Friday, 5 August 2016

Conference Article: A Comparison of Soil Texture Distribution and Soil Moisture Mapping of Chennai Coast using Landsat ETM+ and IKONOS Data


I am back again, this time with a conference article. Here is a paper that was published in the conference proceeedings of the International Conference on Water Resources, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ICWRCOE' 15). The article has been published in Aquatic Procedia, the proceedings journal published by Elsevier and is available in Science Direct.

Article Citation:

Lakshmi, S.V., James, J., Soundariya, S., Vishalini, T., and Pandian, P.K., (2015), "A Comparison of Soil Texture Distribution and Soil Moisture Mapping of Chennai Coast using Landsat ETM+ and IKONOS Data", Vol. 4, pp. 1452 - 1460.

Click here to download the article!!!

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